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2353 Alexandria Dr, #300 Lexington, KY 40504

Restorative Dentistry Lexington, KY

Dr. Doyle Freano offers comprehensive restorative dentistry services in his Lexington, KY dentist office. A highly trained and experienced dentist, Dr. Freano has dedicated many hours of post-graduate training and education to treating adult patients with complex problems. He treats patients with worn teeth, broken teeth, missing teeth, TMJ disorder, and advanced periodontal disease.

Dr. Freano focuses on both function and aesthetics, frequently incorporating cosmetic dentistry into his treatment plans to ensure that patients achieve a natural-looking, comfortable, and functional smile.

Restorative Dentistry in Lexington

Restorative dentistry is focused on restoring the health and function of a patient’s smile through procedures that can repair, realign, or replace teeth. Dr. Freano will evaluate your dental health, and discuss your personal goals and budget before creating an individualized plan of treatment that best suits all of your needs.

He will never recommend unnecessary procedures and always consults with patients before getting started for the best possible outcomes. We’re determined to give you the smile that you desire. We’ll only recommend procedures that we think will give you the oral health outcomes we’re looking for.

Restoring oral health is important for not only your dental health but for both overall physical well-being and good quality of life. Having a comfortable and functional smile has an impact on the ability to eat and speak normally as well as self-confidence.

Dr. Freano works with patients to ensure that the dentistry they receive will meet their expectations while supporting long-term oral health.

Restorative Dental Procedures

Dr. Freano may recommend any of the following restorative procedures, or a combination of dental treatment options. For best results, he will first evaluate your oral health history. He will conduct preventative dental services before any restorative services are done. Cosmetic dental services may be combined with your treatment for the best results.

  • Dental Implants: Replace severely damaged teeth, or teeth that are missing in crucial areas of your mouth. Dental implants can also support a dental bridge or dentures for a permanent fit.
  • Dental Crowns: Restore your bite function after a root canal, repair a damaged or broken tooth, or cover deep stains not repairable with teeth whitening.
  • TMJ Treatment: Alleviate constant jaw pain, frequent headaches, and teeth grinding during sleep.
  • Periodontal Therapy: Address gum disease at the root. Scaling and root planning can significantly reduce symptoms.
  • Dentures and Partials: Replace consecutive missing teeth, or a full row of teeth, with a removable or implant-secured denture.
  • Dental Bridges: Close the gaps in your smile that missing teeth leave behind with a dental bridge. A bridge is designed to replace one or multiple consecutive missing teeth

Affordable Dentistry in Lexington, KY

Dentistry is often something people sacrifice because they think they can’t afford it. As a result, “little” dental concerns can develop into “big” dental problems. Dr. Freano accepts most dental insurance as an out-of-network provider and will file your claims on your behalf. Many restorative dental treatments can also be phased out to spread costs over a period of time or to take advantage of HSA funds.