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2353 Alexandria Dr, #300 Lexington, KY 40504

Missing Teeth Lexington, KY

Do you have a missing tooth that is affecting your smile?

Missing teeth should be addressed as soon as possible to avoid additional dental problems that can affect treatment options. Left untreated, missing teeth will lead to bone loss in the jaw and changes in the bite as adjacent teeth shift position.

Dr. Freano offers several tooth replacement options. After a comprehensive dental exam, he will recommend the most suitable options for your dental health, cosmetic goals, and budget. We will never recommend unnecessary treatments and do our best to offer affordable dental care for all ages.

Missing Teeth Treatment Options in Lexington, KY

Dentures and Partials

Today’s cosmetic dentures can provide a natural-looking option when several or all of the teeth have been lost or removed. Dentures can be removable or permanently secured with dental implants, also known as “all-on-four”. Whenever possible, Dr. Freano will recommend implant secured dentures because of their high rate of patient satisfaction and the benefits they offer for oral health.

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a dental appliance for replacing one or several lost teeth. As with dentures, a dental bridge can be removable (flipper teeth) or permanent, such as an implant-supported bridge.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most desirable option for replacing missing teeth because they function much like a natural tooth. An oral surgeon permanently secures them to your jaw bone with a tiny titanium post. This titanium post acts as the replacement tooth root, reduces bone loss and subsequent jaw shrinkage.

Dr. Freano is one of a few area dentists that provides full services for dental implants. For patients, this means that he preforms all phases of the dental implant process in his newly-renovated Lexington dental office. Dr. Freano will perform a thorough examination to ensure a patient is a good candidate for dental implants or implant secured dentures: sufficient jaw bone is necessary for the implantation of the titanium post.

Dental implants have had an over 95% success rate among current patients, enabling them to eat and speak normally. With proper dental care, dental implants provide a permanent solution to lost teeth.

Learn More About Dental Implants

Missing teeth FAQs

What can dentists do to replace missing teeth?

There are many options to consider when replacing missing teeth. Dental implants are a common choice because they function and look like natural teeth. Temporary bridges are also a popular choice because they also feel and look natural. Your dentist can also provide a partial denture to replace a few teeth.

What are the causes of missing teeth?

There are many factors that may play into the reasons patients may be missing teeth. The American College of Prosthetics says that there are three main categories as to why people are missing teeth. The first is genetic. Many people are born missing some of their teeth. Missing a molar or one of wisdom teeth is actually fairly common. The second reason is due to an untreated cavity.

If a patient leaves a cavity untreated, over time the bacteria will go deeper into the tooth and gums. Gum disease is the third reason patients may be missing teeth. Gum disease attacks the jaw bone. If the damage done to the jaw bone is severe enough it may cause patients to need to have teeth removed.

If I am missing a tooth, do I need to replace it?

Dentists highly recommend that patients close the gaps in their smile by replacing lost teeth. Missing teeth can shift your bite and make the rest of your teeth crooked. They can also cause bone loss. It is important to replace missing teeth.

Can missing teeth cause problems?

Missing teeth can cause many problems for patients who do not have them treated. A missing tooth exposes your gums to potential damage. This increases your risk of infections because bacteria can access your gum tissue much easier than before. If you choose not to treat a missing tooth it may also change the shape of your face, making it slightly asymmetrical because of your bone structure changes. 

What is the best option for a missing front tooth?

A dental implant is the most common option for replacing a missing front tooth. They are the strongest, most durable option, that also aesthetically blends in with the overall appearance of your smile. Your dentist can color-match the dental implant so that it is the exact same color as your other teeth. 

At what age do adults start losing teeth?

As we age many people will begin to lose teeth. Studies have shown that around the age of 50 most adults have lost 12 teeth. Between the ages of 65 and 74, 26% of patients have lost all of their teeth. Missing teeth can cause a variety of health issues in adults. 

One Dentist for All Your Needs

At Dentistry for All Ages, Dr. Freano and his entire staff specialize in providing lifelong care, including both preventive and restorative treatments, so you don’t need to run from one specialist to another. Studies have shown that the continuum of care afforded by having a single treatment provider results in better outcomes for patients since the care provider has a better understanding of each patient’s needs over time as well as their treatment history.

We also work closely with your insurance company and can offer alternative financing options through reputable companies that focus on making health care affordable for everyone.

Your healthy, beautiful smile and your more confident future can begin today. Give us a call and schedule your own consultation to learn how smile design with Dr. Freano can help you look better and feel more confident about your life.

Schedule a Worry-free Dental Consultation

Dr. Freano will conduct a thorough evaluation to see which treatment best fits your needs. We can also combine multiple treatments for a smile makeover. Schedule a consultation online today, or give us a call at 859.554.1586 today.