New Patients 859.554.1586

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2353 Alexandria Dr, #300 Lexington, KY 40504

Single Tooth Dental Implant Lexington, KY

Are you missing a single tooth?

A single missing tooth can cause complex oral health concerns, as well as overall health issues. It can compromise your smile and make you self-conscious. From chronic halitosis to an increased risk of developing gum disease, a single missing tooth is both a cosmetic and oral health concern. The sooner you seek treatment for your missing tooth, the more effective and conservative the treatment will be.

Single Tooth Dental Implant

A dental implant provides the most natural solution to replacing a single missing tooth. A dental implant can be used to replace a tooth that is congenitally missing. It can also replace a tooth that has been lost due to accidents, tooth decay, gum disease, or other reasons.

Designed to mimic both the complete structure and function of a natural tooth, a dental implant helps provide structural and functional support while enhancing the aesthetics of your smile. Lexington, KY dentist Dr. Doyle Freano offers a single dental implant when his patients are missing only one tooth. Dental implants are an investment in your health, confidence, and overall well-being.

single tooth implant in Lexington Kentucky

The Single Dental Implant Process

A dental implant is a titanium post that replaces the missing root structure. Dr. Freano will be able to surgically place the dental implant in his Lexington KY dentist office. Over a 3-6 month period, the titanium post will fuse with the natural bone helping it to support the structure of the jaw and to provide a secure base for the attachment of a dental restoration.

Dr. Freano will then secure a dental crown to the healed implant. The crown will be custom-designed to aesthetically fit your smile. A dental implant provides natural, tooth-like replacement options for a missing tooth. A dental implant will allow patients to maintain a normal oral hygiene routine and eat and speak with confidence. An implant also provides long-term support to the jaw bone to deter deterioration and recession of the facial structure.

The cost of a single dental implant can vary widely. The location and size of the dental implant have to be taken into consideration before the cost is determined. We’ll do a full oral exam before proceeding with the dental implant procedure to determine the size needed for your implant.

We’ll also check to see if you have sufficient bone structure to support a successful dental implant. If you don’t have that bone structure, a bone graft may be needed before the implant can be placed. That procedure will need to be done first and completely healed before we can continue with the implant process.

Learn More About Dental Implants

Schedule a Dental Exam Today

Dr. Freano will be able to recommend the most appropriate treatment option to replace your missing tooth with a comprehensive exam. We will only recommend what best suits your needs and budget. Give us a call at 859.554.1586 today.