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2353 Alexandria Dr, #300 Lexington, KY 40504

Benefits of Dental Implants Lexington, KY

Dr. Doyle Freano offers full services for dental implants. This means that as a patient, you benefit from the convenience and savings of staying in one office from start to finish. Dr. Freano will monitor your entire dental implant treatment plan for consistent and quality dental care. From treatment planning to your final restoration, our in-house dental care team has you covered.

Dental Implants offer many cosmetic benefits as well as health benefits. Dental implants offer Dr. Freano’s patients a stable and healthy oral foundation for a lifetime of beautiful smiles. Dental implants are the most natural-looking and advanced solution for the replacement of missing teeth. They are the next best thing to natural teeth!

Benefits of Dental Implants

Patients can eat food without restrictions

There are dietary restrictions with other missing teeth options like dentures. With dental implants, there are no restrictions on what you can eat since they are durable, stable, and permanent.

Highly successful results

Dental implants offer a 98% success rate! More patients find long-term success with dental implants than with any other dental restoration. With advancements in technology, dentists can now place dental implants in a patient with less bone structure than that of a healthy patient. This will now provide a more secure and supportive restoration for patients that wear traditional dentures.

The closest thing to your natural teeth

A dental implant will look, feel, fit and function just like your natural teeth. They are strong, stable, and truly the next best thing to your real teeth. Natural-looking dental restorations such as modern dental crowns, bridges, and dentures look more like natural teeth. The restoration material reflects light like natural teeth and matches your remaining teeth. The only people who will know you have dental implants are you and Dr. Freano.

Dental implants are permanent, and can last a lifetime

Dental implants are the preferred method for replacing missing teeth due to their permanent nature. Your dentist may eventually need to repair or replace other options for missing teeth, such as dentures. That cost can add up over a lifetime. Implants on the other hand require no additional maintenance besides your normal oral health routine and twice-yearly visits to your dentist for professional dental cleanings. Dental implants can last a lifetime if you maintain them properly.

No need to damage healthy teeth to get dental implants

When getting a dental bridge, the surrounding healthy teeth require grinding down in order to provide a place to attach the bridge. Basically, you are damaging your healthy teeth in order to provide a replacement for the missing tooth. A dental implant does not interfere with healthy teeth because it does not require using natural teeth as anchors.

Helps avoid bone loss associated with tooth loss

If you’re missing a tooth or multiple teeth, that void can cause bone loss and deterioration in your jawbone. Dr. Freano will recommend dental implants because they are the only option for missing teeth that stimulates the jawbone, and in turn helps stimulate growth. Dental implants are the only dental restoration that acts as an artificial root structure, filling the void that the missing tooth left behind. The implant post is high-grade titanium that fuses with the natural bone, strengthening the structure of the jaw. Dental implants can help rebuild a strong oral foundation and decreases the potential for bone loss.

No more embarrassing social situations

Removable options, such as dentures, for missing teeth, oftentimes slip or do not fit correctly. The constant worry that your restoration may fall out while talking or eating is taxing. This leads to feeling uncomfortable in public or around other people. Dental implants are permanent and do not slip thus making speaking a lot easier. Learn more about dental implants vs. dentures.

Improves the appearance of the smile and lower face

A face without teeth will appear sunken and can add years to your appearance. Dental implants help keep the natural shape of your face and lower jaw area.

benefits of dental implants in Lexington Kentucky

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