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What Are Dental Implants? Lexington, KY

Dr. Doyle Freano is a highly passionate and dedicated dentist in Lexington, KY. Dr. Freano has completed numerous continuing education courses throughout his years of practice. He offers dental implants to his patients who are missing teeth.

A dental implant functions like a natural tooth, enabling patients to enjoy normal speech and a healthy diet without restrictions. A permanent and durable treatment option for missing teeth, dental implants support bone regeneration, healthy gums, and overall oral health.

Parts of the Dental Implant

dental implant in Lexington Kentucky

A dental implant is made up of 3 parts; the implant post, the abutment, and the prosthetic tooth.

Implant Post

This is the bottom part of the dental implant that is surgically embedded into your jaw bone, below the gum line. It is cylinder-shaped and resembles a screw. It’s made up of bio-compatible titanium that will eventually fuse to the jaw bone creating a permanent and secure bond.

This titanium post will act as the tooth root. In many cases, Dr. Freano will be able to surgically place the dental implant in his Lexington KY dentist office. In other cases, he may work with a local oral surgeon or periodontist to coordinate the surgical phase of treatment.


This is a small part that connects to the implant post. Dr. Freano will connect the abutment to the implant post after it has fully fused to the bone. It usually takes around 3-6 months for it to fuse. The abutment will screw right onto the implant post and will sit right at the gum line. This part will support the dental prosthesis.

Prosthetic tooth

The prosthetic tooth can be a dental crown for a single missing tooth. The dental crown is typically cemented or screwed onto the abutment. A dental bridge or denture will be used for multiple missing teeth. They can be secured to the abutment by simply snapping them into place. The prosthetic tooth is the part that will look like a tooth (teeth) and will be color-matched to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth.

Types of Dental Implants

The type of dental implant you receive will depend on the number and location of your missing teeth as well as your overall oral health. Lexington KY, dentist, Dr. Freano, provides comprehensive dental exams and personalized treatment plans for each patient tailored to their unique cosmetic goals, dental health concerns, and budget.

Single Tooth Dental Implant– Dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth. Dr. Freano will place the implant post in the root canal. Once healed, the abutment will be attached, and a dental crown will be used to complete the restoration.

Dental Implant Secured Bridge– A dental bridge is often used to replace several consecutively missing teeth. Traditionally secured using prepared adjacent teeth; Dr. Freano usually recommends securing dental bridges with dental implants. Implants provide more structural support for the jaw and bite and need less maintenance.

Dental Implant Secured Denture– Many patients struggle with ill-fitted dentures. Dentures are prone to slipping or falling out, causing embarrassment for patients. Dentures can be secured using strategically placed dental implants. Dental implant secured dentures allow patients to enjoy a diet without restriction and can help patients feel more confident in their smiles.

Learn More About Dental Implants