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2353 Alexandria Dr, #300 Lexington, KY 40504

Dental Implants FAQs Lexington, KY

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically implanted into the jaw bone beneath the gum line. This titanium post will act as the tooth root providing a strong foundation for the replacement tooth. Then Dr. Doyle Freano will use that to attach a replacement tooth. Dental implants do not come loose like dentures and can last a lifetime if cared for properly along with regular dental visits.

Will I have to see a specialist?

In many cases, Dr. Freano will be able to surgically place the dental implant in his Lexington, KY dentist office. In other cases, he may work with a local oral surgeon or periodontist to coordinate the surgical phase of treatment. Dr. Freano will complete the dental implant procedure by placing the final restoration of either a dental crown, or partial or full denture in his Lexington dental office.

How quickly can I get a replacement tooth?

The dental implant process typically requires 3 to 6 months to fully complete. We need to let the implant integrate with the jaw bone before we can secure a permanent restoration, such as a dental crown. Dr. Freano may be able to provide a temporary crown while the implant heals. After a thorough dental exam, Dr. Freano will help you determine your best missing tooth treatment options.

Do dental implants require special care?

Regular oral hygiene should keep your dental implant healthy for a lifetime of smiles. Dental implants require no more maintenance or care than your natural teeth. Implants, like your natural teeth, depend on healthy gums and surrounding tooth structures for support. It is important that you brush and floss regularly and visit Dr. Freano at least twice a year for dental cleanings at his Lexington, KY dentist office.

How much pain will I feel after the dental implant procedure?

There is generally little to no discomfort following the dental implant surgery. Our Lexington, KY dentist office staff will call in any necessary prescriptions in advance to prevent swelling and discomfort.

Does my insurance cover dental implants?

Each patient’s dental insurance is unique and coverage will vary depending on the plan. Not many dental insurance plans will cover dental implants. Some dental insurance providers can partially cover certain steps in the process, such as the dental crown.

We have trained in-house specialists who can answer many of your dental insurance questions. The staff at our Lexington, KY dentist office will submit the necessary documentation to your dental insurance company to maximize your reimbursement.

We accept all major credit cards, cash, and checks. We also accept Health Savings Account and Flex Spending Account payments and we offer phased treatment plans. The benefits of dental implants are endless and they are truly an investment in your oral health and quality of life.

How do dental implants work?

The term “dental implants” refers to the set of three components that replace a missing tooth. A metal implant is surgically implanted into your jawbone to replace the tooth’s root. An abutment is attached to the implant, where an artificial tooth called a crown is connected. This crown is what blends in with your existing teeth and restores your smile’s functionality. Once the implant has healed, no one will be able to tell you had an implant.

How can dental implants improve my confidence?

Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants are used and cleaned just like your natural teeth. Since they are a permanent addition to your mouth, there is no need to remove the implant and clean it before placing it back in your mouth. You can still brush and floss normally, as implants do not require any special cleaning. No one would know you had an implant unless you told them.

Implants can help restore your confidence in your oral health as well. When a permanent tooth is lost, the jawbone can actually change shape and cause harm to the structure of your mouth and the stability of your bite. Dental implants replace the root from the missing tooth, preserving your jawbone’s structure and making sure your teeth remain securely in place.

Learn More About Dental Implants